1) Tuesday 22nd November,2022.
– Official arrival of all the Nigerian CPR on the spot crew members.
– On ground practicals for the crew began.
– Towards evening, the Crew members went out for dinner with the CEO and subsequently retired for the day.
2) Wednesday 23rd
– On ground practicals for the Crew members continued.
– Official arrival of the Protocol members led by LP Nkeiruka.
– Lunch and dinner was served to all members at the hotel.
– Everyone retired for the day.
3) Thursday 24th
– Official arrival of members of S/BTLGI and our invited guests.
– On ground practicals for the CPR Crew members continued and was concluded.
– Dinner was served at the dinner hall to all present.
4) Friday 25th
– Fasting, prayer and special ministration was held.
– Lunch was served to all at the dinner hall by the caterer engaged.
– CPR training by the CEO and her Crew members to all present at the conference Hall.
This was followed by diverse questions which the CEO and her Crew members gave answers to.
– Training on dementia was carried out by the UK led by Dr. Chima Hemjirika.
This was followed by questions which were answered by Dr. Chima.
– Official arrival of the women group from Ndashi, the women group from Egwi, Cultural music group from Ndashi, Representatives from Itunta, Abia State.
– Display by the cultural troupe from Ndashi.
– Dinner was served to all at the dinner hall by the caterer engaged.
– Medical assessment by the CEO and assisted by some members of the CPR on the spot crew.
5) Saturday 26th
– The convention started with opening prayer.
– Praise and worship.
– The National anthem and the group anthem.
– Reading out the vision and mission of S/BTLGI.
– Testimonies by members of the group.
– The CEO was introduced and she took the center stage to explain how the journey of the vision started and how it has been.
– Second launching of the CEO’s books.
– Launching of the group’s magazine.
– Cutting of the convention cake.
– Lunch was served at the conference hall.
– Fundraising for the orphanage which amounted to N251,000 in cash and N591,000 in pledges.
– Presentation of gifts by diverse groups(Orphans in Etche, Ndashi women group, Egwi women group, Representatives from Itunta) to the CEO.
– Photograph sessions.
– Dance dance dance.
– Medical assessment by the CEO, continued…
– Dinner was served at the dinner hall by the caterer engaged.
6) Sunday 27th
– Breakfast at the dinner hall.
– Church service began with Opening prayer
– Praise and worship
– Opening hymn was taken.
– Testimonies.
– Prayer by IPW
– Special ministration by CEO and women of God present.
– Worship offering was taken.
– Praise.
– The word and ministration by the CEO.
– Thanksgiving by members of the group.
– Closing prayer.
– Lunch was served at the dinner hall.
– CEO attended to some persons like the Representatives from Itunta.
– Dinner of members of the group present with the CEO.
The new Leadership team for the year 2023 were officially introduced to the group.
– Distribution of items like (Rice, Garri, yam, spices, Maggi, beverages, oats, medicines, packs of water, packs of soft drinks etc) to members of the group present.